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Jr. Wildcats Football & Cheer

Jr. Wildcats Football & Cheer

News Detail


Apr, 2021

In Person Registration Event 05/01/21

Hi Jr Wildcat Families, 

Just a friendly reminder that our next in-person registration event to finish the in-person paperwork will be THIS SATURDAY, 11am-1pm @ Will C Wood Parking Lot.

You signed up online to reserve your child's 2021 spot now we need you to complete the required registration paperwork in person & we will start taking payments for this season. All football teams and cheerleaders need to finish the in-person paperwork. WE DO HAVE A NUMBER OF KIDS ON OUR WAITLIST SO IF YOU RESERVED A SPOT FOR YOUR CHILD AND YOU DO NOT PLAN ON THEM PLAYING OR CHEERING THIS SEASON PLEASE CONTACT US ASAP SO WE CAN OPEN SPOTS FOR OTHER KIDS TO HAVE THE CHANCE TO PLAY THIS SEASON. IF YOU DO NOT COMPLETE THE IN-PERSON PAPERWORK BY 05/22 REMAINING OPEN SPOTS WILL OPEN UP TO OUR WAITLIST FAMILIES.

Dates to finish in-person paperwork:

Saturday, 05/01/21 - 11am-1pm

Saturday, 05/08/21 - 11am-1pm

Saturday, 05/22/21 - 11am-1pm

Will C Wood High School Parking Lot
998 Marshall Rd, Vacaville, CA 95687

Cheer: All cheerleaders will need their registration fee of $325 turned in before 05/22/21 as we will be ordering uniforms for the upcoming season. 

Football: 10U/12U $250 for the season (full registration payment is due on or before 07/01/21 but we will need in person paperwork turned in by 05/22/21 to secure your spot).

For Registration payment we do accept: Cash, Check, Venmo or Credit Card via square. (please note we will still need check deposits - see below).

Please note to also bring the required deposit checks with you to the in-person registraiton: (these checks are not cashed; they are only on file for deposit purpose).

For football (all levels: 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U) we will need you to bring (3) checks which we will post-date (these are not cashed and just put down as a deposit). 

  • $100 fundraiser postdated check (if your child completes the two mandatory fundraisers during the season the check is returned to you).
  • $100 volunteer hour postdated check (once you complete the 4 mandatory volunteer hours during the season the check is returned to you). 
  • $250 equipment postdated check (if your child returns all equipment that was loaned to them for the season the check is returned to you). 


For cheer we will need you to bring (2) checks which we will post-date (these are not cashed and just put down as a deposit). 

  • $100 fundraiser postdated check (if your child completes the two mandatory fundraisers during the season the check is returned to you).
  • $100 volunteer hour postdated check (once you complete the four mandatory volunteer hours during the season the check is returned to you). 

*Please note your child will also need a sports physical dated after 04/01 and a school enrollment form (both of these items can be turned in after you do in-person paperwork, but will be needed before official practice in July). 

If you have any questions do not hesitate to email us. 


All the best, 

Jr Wildcats


Will C. Wood Jr. Wildcats
PO Box 2941 
Vacaville, California 95696

Email: [email protected]

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